Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016


-          Muhammad Prasetya              (27214455)
-          Muslimah                                (27214647)
-          Nur Aisyah                              (28214132)

Muhammad Prasetya as a Journalist
Muslimah as  Owner/Directur
Nur Aisyah as Head of Marketing Manager/Secretary

Aisyah             : Good morning Mr. Acan (prasetya)
Prasetya           : Good morning Ms. Aisyah
Aisyah             : How are you today?
Prasetya           : hmm i feel good, thank you.
Aisyah             : So let me introduce you to the owner of batik factory !
Prasetya           : oke
Aisyah             : excuse me mam, there’s someone who want to meet you !
Muslimah        : oh, yeah? Please come in
Prasetya           : Good morning Mrs. Muslimah
Muslimah        : Good morning, what can I help you sir?
Prasetya           : oh, yeah. First let me introduce myself.
My name is Muhammad Prasetya, you can call me Prasetya. I work in the Magazine “USAHA INDONESIA” as a journalist.
Muslimah        : oh wow, we had Guest from popular magazine, Aisyah.
Aisyah             : yes, mam.
Prasetya           : hahaha thank you.
Muslimah        : What is the purpose of your coming here?
Prasetya           : I want to get explain about history of your batik factory!
Muslimah        : oh yeah, with my pleasure! At the first, the company was founded by my        mother on 1990.
Prasetya           : oh it’s been a long time.
                          And then, what is the goals of this company?
Muslimah        : My mother want to preserve the culture of Indonesia, especially batik.
Prasetya           : oh I see, then how did the organizational stucture of this company?
Muslimah        : Let My secretary telling about the organization.
Aisyah             : Ok, I will tell you our company’s Organization.
                          So, this is the Organizational stucture

Aisyah             : Is that clear mr. Acan (Prasetya) ?
Prasetya           : oh yeah, its been very clear
                         Thank you for your time. See you next time
Muslimah        : sure, You’re welcome.

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