Kamis, 10 November 2016


Listening (Audio 32, Track 32)
Call center      : Can I help you?
Customer        : yes, i’m calling because you’ve sent me 20 colour ink cartridges, instead of 20 black    ones.
Call center      : i see, can you give me your order number please?
Cutomer         : yes, it’s WJ92745
Call center     : yes. I’m very sorry about that, I’ll send somebody around tomorrow with the black ink  cartridges, is that okay?
Customer       : yes, thank you!
Customer      : hello, I’m calling because there is a mistake with my invoice, it says a thousand dollars instead of hundreds.
Call center    : oh right, and can you give me the number on the invoice?
Customer      : it’s RF007/24
Call center    : yes, it’s a mistake. I’m terribly sorry, I’ll send you a new invoice!
Customer      : thank you!
Call center       : optimum office supplies, how can i help you?
Customer         : hello, I’m calling because i order some paper a week ago and it’s still hasn’t arrived!
Call center       : hmmm, that it’s a problem. When was the day delivery day?
Customer         : yesterday morning
Call center       : i do apologize about that. We are having problem with the delivery agent. I’ll call the   to find out what’s just happen
Customer         : don’t worry. I think i cancel the order. It’s not the first time this has happened.
-          Muhammad Prasetya              (27214455)
-          Muslimah                                (27214647)
-          Nur Aisyah                              (28214132)
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