Jumat, 21 April 2017

An Amazing Trip !!!!

Four years ago, my classmates and I visited Dieng. We went to Dieng by bus. We left school at seven in the morning. It took us 15 hours to get to Dieng. Before we arrived at Dieng, we stopped at Wonosobo to change our bus into smaller bus. It took us 2 hours to get to Dieng from Wonosobo.
After we arrived at Dieng, we were greeted by local residents with a big bonefire. The air in Dieng at that time was very cold. After the welcome ceremony, we are ready for dinner. Well, even though it’s past the dinner hour, we are still greedily eating our meal. Around 12.00 pm, we haeded to the resident’s house to rest.
The next day, we woke up at four o’clock. And you know? The air at that time was colder than last night. Me and my friends are lazy to take a shower, finally we just brush our teeth and was may face, after that we wear warm clothes to gather in the yard. After the students had gathered, we walked to the top of Dieng mountain. During the trip we didn’t see anything, because at five o’clock it was still dark. After thirty minutes, we arrived at the resort area. Hmmm, unfortunately at that time the weather was not good, so our teachers said “the trip stopped at the resort area”.
At six o’clock we saw the sun rise. It was beautiful, we are very greatful to enjoy the warmht of the sun. After that we headed to minibus that had been prepared to go to talaga colour. The scenery in talaga colour was beautiful. After seeing the sights, we went to dieng plateu theater to watch a documentary video about Dieng. After 20 minutes the movie was finished. After that, we headed to the minibus again to go to creater sikidang. After arrived at creater sikidang, we were greeted with a very stinging sulfur smell. At eight o’clock we went back home for breakfast together. After breakfast, we headed to the home. We celaned up all our things, and by ten o’clock we ready for getting back to Wonosobo. Before that, we went to tample of arjuna. There was a traditional ceremony, it called “Pemotongan Rambut Gembel”. Where the participants of this traditional ceremony is a child with dreadlock hair. After the ceremony was over, we headed to the bus to go to Wonosobo. After arrived at Wonosobo, we changed the bus to continue study tour to Yogyakarta.

We felt tired that day, but we were very happy to visit the various sights that are on Dieng. We hope that Dieng can be loved by visitors and goverment.
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